Here you will find an ever-growing Collection of Free Educational Materials regarding a wide variety of Save eARTh topics.

International Wisdom for the Universal Traveller

Here You Will Find Links to Worldwide Educators and Travelers who help us explore the World safely from the comforts of Our Homes. Traveling is one of the best ways to Educate One’s self about this incredibly diverse and beautiful world. Every land has different cultures, animals, plants, music, art, religion and so much more, all ready to be shared. Check out some of these links to some of the best world travelers around, and strive to see as much of this World as possible. 

Our Tree of Life

The Life of eARTh is precious and immaculate in all ways. There are so many beautiful species of Animals, Plants, Humans, Crystals, and so much more from the tiniest seed to the largest of whales with everything in between. This section aims to provide links to a wide variety of organizations and creatives who are working hard to benefit the Animals of eARTh. Humans continue to learn eternal wisdom by simply observing those of the Animal Kingdom which it is now Our duty to protect and preserve, forever. Get Inspired, Help Save the Animals of eARTh and keep BioDiversity thriving. 

Flowers of Love 

The Plant Species of this World both on Land and Sea are facing immense threats everyday. The intense amount of pollutants going into our Air, Water, Oceans and Soils is a serious problem that needs to be dealt with immediately. Without healthy soil, food cannot grow. Without Healthy Air, Life cannot live. Without clean Water, Nothing stands a chance at surviving. Here you will find links to fellow charities and researchers in these fields who provide essential research for tackling the problems and healing our land for the future. Learn about the problem, do your part to fix it, and then guide others to full awareness and action. 


The Freedom to Believe and practice whatever Spiritual Path we choose, is one that cannot be infringed. Every part of the World, during every time, and every person has a unique belief system and no one should ever be persecuted during their spiritual quests. We are miraculous creations set Free upon what may be a near infinite realm of potential. It is best to embrace this Wonder, and learn what we can from others to help define ourselves. Educate yourself on the eternal symbols and archetypes of Our World, for a better understanding and to maximize your precious experience of Life. 

Ocean Mandala

Our Oceans are of vital importance to Life on eARTh. If our Oceans become toxic, Our land and entire World will follow. There are so many problems with the current state of our Oceans from pollution of just about everything, to noise, electricity, weaponry, digging, waste disposal, etc… Solving the Crisis of Our Ocean and its Saline and Corals and restoring them to optimal health will take some serious creativity and innovation on ALL of Our parts. We must raise awareness to the problems, and Act towards the solutions. NOW!


To Teach is one thing, but to Inspire Learning in a student of any age, is a priceless gift to bestow. Many people are bored by the Education Process and see it as a burden. When one becomes excited to Learn, they never stop. Learning becomes a daily vitamin that lasts forever and is needed. There are many Creative ways to Teach and inspire Children to Learn. We aim to provide a collection of wholesome links and inspiring Teachers for you to experience and Learn from. Make Learning Fun, to Save eARTh. 

Save The Innocent

SAVE eARTh is a charity that at its HeART is for the Children of eARTh. They are the Future and they are the ones that will have to deal with the problems created by those living in the past. The Quest for Profit is a main driving force of catastrophic damage to Our World, and the future must be Educated on What NOT to do, as well as What TO do. Money can never be the Main motivating factor, HEALTH must replace Wealth. Our Children are being taken advantage of by the Powers of Evil in way too many forms to count from Food and Medicine, to Entertainment, Culture and Mental Health. We MUST Save the Innocent, here are some ways to do this… 

Exploring the Old World

Without knowing Where we came from, we cannot have a clear path forward. The authors of “History” know this and have even corrupted our knowledge of the past. Underneath Our Civilization are countless ruins of Humanity throughout time. Untold treasures exist beneath us, and when they rise to the surface they don’t always unite with Our History books. The Smithsonian and many others have strategically crafted History to suit their needs, while leaving out much of the Empowering, Eternal Wisdom, and leaving huge gaps in the timeline. Our past may very include Humans from beyond Our Poles, Giant Humans and Animals, Free Energy, Air Travel, Electricity, and so much more that has been hidden from us. Today, new researchers are Digging and questioning the Narrative. The Results are Enlightening.. take a look..