Flowers of Love – Art to Unite Us ALL – 80+ Flowers around the World with 80+ words for Love in various languages. To Celebrate Our Bouquet of Culture.
WORLDSPIRIT by Alex Grey – A Beautiful Film and Performance – The High Quality version is AMAZING. Great thoughts and visions of Art from a Master of Our Time.
In Praise of Music – The Importance of Beautiful Music, Harmonious Frequencies, and Song since the Dawn of Time and it’s positive effects on Humanity.
The Hua Hu Ching (Educate the Barbarians Sutra) – A Very Insightful and Ancient Book from the 4th and 5th Century filled with Beautiful Taoist Wisdom. Eric Dubay makes Great Content.
A Call to Save eARTh : Animal Die-Offs reported around the World. Causes ‘unknown’ but must be resolved.
The Dimming – Full Length Climate Engineering Video by Dane Wigginton of Incredible Research and Resources into this vast Problem we face.
The Miracle and Power of Raw Garlic! From the Ancients to the present, Garlic has played an Incredible role. A daily raw medicine for the Body, Mind and Soul.
Dominion – WARNING very GRAPHIC filming of the Animal Food Industrial Complex and the Tortures that the innocent Animals endure. Truly sickening, but essential to understanding the problems.
AIRSHIPS – Lost Aetherial Technology – Realizing the Importance of Lost Technologies will certainly help us in the Future. What else has been lost to time? Feed the Imagination.
The Best Flat eARTh Documentary – Are we living on a Sphere, or a Flat Plane? The Truth remains Unknown, so All potentials must be investigated. You will be shocked at the anomalies.
100+ Cold Hard Facts about Antarctica from a 1999 Newspaper – We must Learn much more about these forbidden parts of Our World. We all need access to ‘Hidden Knowledge’
Inside North Korea – Indigo Traveller goes around the World to places the News tells us ALL the wrong things about. He meets all levels of Humanity, awe-inspiring. Follow this channel for amazing worldly insight.
Chemtrails – THEY have been poisoning US for a long time – Way too much of Our Weather is UNNATURAL and modified. The Planes with massive trails of ‘Smoke’ need to be explained publicly and halted immediately.
Beginning Our History – by Jon Levi – Incredible insight asking questions about the Origins of America and much of the Architecture here during the 1800s. We must unlock Past mysteries to understand who we truly are.
GMO mosquitoes sponsored by Bill Gates is a HORRIBLE idea. Playing GOD does NOT work and has bad Side Effects. This type of Experimentation (for profit) of OUR Biosphere must END!
The Leslie Coil – Scientist Leslie Baird made incredible discoveries in the Field of Free Energy. She was also persecuted heavily by the government and imprisoned. She is a hero of eARTh and wrote a book called Heretical Physics.
Mexico BANS GMO Corn, Roundup and Chemtrails – AMERICA must Follow – We cannot sacrifice Our Land and People for the wealth of a few. There is NO need for Chemically Ridden GMO Foods. ALL Foods should be Organic and Pure.
ARTmind – Documentary on the Healing Power of Sacred Art by the Incredible Alex Grey, a true visionary pioneer of Energetic Arts. Join forces with all that came before us and fulfill the eternal role of the Sacred Artist.
AI & ART… a Renaissance or a Disaster for Artists? Could be Both… But there must be a way to work together and preserve ALL Artistic Skills while enhancing imagination and Creative Productivity.
VERY INTERESTING interview with expert Norman Dodd on the Power and Influence of Tax Exempt Foundations in America… The REAL BAD ones.. It will shock you.. SAVE eARTh aims to Only support Organizations that are GOOD!
A HeART shaped eARTh map from the i500s/1500s by Oronco Fine. It’s important to question the size, shape and contents of Our Realm. It’s easy to hide land and Truth from the masses who are forbidden to explore. This design will also be one of the I heART eARTh t-shirt and product designs in the Shop & Save or Clothing Pages.
The Srimad Bhagavatam – Ancient Sacred book of the Jains – We can ALL learn a lot from the remaining Ancient and Sacred texts of the past. This, and All, are exceptionally awe-inspiring and Add to the Creative Wonders of Life. This Video is part 1 of Hundreds, Click on the Video and Check out the full Book/playlist.
The Ancient Calumet Peace Pipe – A long time ago, Humans in Power would often choose PEACE over War. This method must be revived and War should never be the answer. People in Power use War as a means of Control, and it must End.
Kari Mullis – Nobel Prize Winning Inventor of the PCR test has a Lot to say about Science, Pharma, Health Organizations and much more. It is important to listen to the inventors and not the Corporations. No Medical Tyranny, ever.
Weather Control in the 1960s – Weather Modification and Manipulation is VERY REAL. It began long ago. It goes on today un-announced. It is Bad. Our World’s Natural Weather System needs to be fixed.
Art Can Save A Panda – A TEDx talk with Dr. Lucy Spellman who has done some great work with Animals and Art, while also being a Teacher and so much more!
Beautiful ARTS of the Mid-1800s. Our Official History and the Architectural Ruins that remain, seem to be at odds. History is told by the Winners. So how much of Our Past was Lost intentionally, and rewritten to fulfill agendas of those in Power? We need to find out the Truth of Our Past. Art can help.
Wyland – Don’t Be a Starving Artist.. Incredible painter of Massive Ocean scenes and a Lot more, Wyland does great work while also helping eARTh’s Oceans and Animals. Some great advice for Artists with a strong drive and mission.
The Worlds Fairs of the mid 1800s onward have a lot of mysterious elements surrounding their purpose, architecture, antiquitech and much more. Very interesting.
Pablo Amazing – A True Master of the Realms beyond comprehension. Pulling visions back from realms of consciousness that few dare to explore. He brings it back to Our World via Art, Amazing!
1000s of New Islands found off of Japan! this brings up a lot of questions about extra land that is being hidden from the Public, and just how Big Our Realm truly is..
Desert Seas – Documentary of Sea Life near Saudi Arabian Deserts – Beautiful footage of some incredible lifeforms of eARTh
No Matter how overwhelming the Damage to eARTh is..
We Must NEVER Give up…
We Can, and We Will Save eARTh.