Re-Discovering Our TRUE Human History
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- Re-Discovering Our TRUE Human History
Our History has been altered, and a new generation of Thinkers are proposing new Theories with mounting evidence of a radically different past for Humanity.
It is ESSENTIAL for ARTISTS to have a FREE and boundless mind. In order to ensure the Creative Imagination of Artists flows beautifully, it is VERY Important to understand the difference between a THEORY and an Absolute TRUTH.
There is a MASSIVE difference between these concepts, and how the Creative mind deals with them. There are also certain mysteries associated with Conscious Life in Our Universe that cannot be currently known, and may not Ever be known.
For Example : Death and what lies beyond our last breath, is fully unknown. There is nothing but Theory regarding this ranging from Ancient Books of the Dead (Tibetan, Egyptian, Norse, etc) to modern day Near Death Experiences and the highest levels of Science. It is still a mystery, and as a result of this, Humans can envision an INFINITE array of visions of infinite visual potential.
Now take the Structure of Our Universe. NASA and the worlds Top “Scientists” tell us many things. While pretty much every single Ancient Culture tells us even more is possible. These are ALL theories, and must remain so until they are 100{d48a09b2b86a8ed34958f1b0f262c6373168238792e7cb7438b3f62310c4826a} Truthfully known. The current Official pictures of our Spherical eARTh have many discrepancies that cannot be easily explained away to a logical mind. With thousands of different cultures all believing different things for so many years, do we really think that Modern Humans have solved this eternal mystery?
When Creative minds realize that the Miracle of Our Existence is Perfect and beyond fathomability… The mind can then function freely, as an Artist, tasked with visualizing the impossible and showing it to Everyone for the benefit of All beings.
We encourage Everyone to dive into these Ancient mysteries and Embrace the infinite potential of the Wonders that surround us. And Remember… the Smithsonian collected and HID a LOT of Historical objects… and the Vatican has an Ancient underground library that NO ONE is allowed to see… also, very wealthy people Own Artworks that may add to the puzzle of our Past, but they will never make public.
Anything is Possible on the Miracle of eARTh

Explore these Amazing Collections Below

There is a lot of material out there put out to make people that believe in certain things, appear ridiculed and foolish. There is even temptation to get mad at people for a disagreement over some topics. But Why? If no one truly knows the Ultimate Truth of the matter, it should NOT cause anything but imaginative excitement in all who talk or think about it…
We should ALL be striving for answers to some of these questions. If we as a Collective were able to make certain discoveries about our past, and the Universe around us that are currently unknown… the entire course of humanity could shift towards a far more Beautiful future.
In regards to the Artworks on this page, many State Capital buildings, Churches, structures and mounds around America and the World have questionable origins. Often misinformation or a complete lack of information is tied to incredible human achievements of architecture. Similar styles in Europe often have dates of many hundreds of years ago.
People are starting to piece together a multitude of concepts, which when taken as a whole, lead to astounding realizations, theories, and insight that were not possible until the modern world became connected via the internet.
There is no telling where future discoveries lead… but it could be Beyond the Poles…
What if the World was FAR bigger than we are told. The Ancient Jainism religion claims it to be 6 billion miles wide by 6 billion miles high and packed with mesmerizing landscapes and layers. Imagine the continents, the Land, the Animals, the People, the Culture, the Technology, the Food, Everything! Until Modern Camera technology is used to prove these concepts otherwise without a shadow of doubt.. we must preserve the infinite potential…

Here are Some Brief Topics to Explore…
The Hollow eARTh Theory : Research underground Catacombs & Cities, of Paris, Ukraine, New York, everywhere… Mount Shasta… Ancient Tunnels of Mexico..
Ancient Trees : We know the Redwoods were Massive… but what about mysterious stump like structures like Devils Tower, Wyoming, or Giants Causeway. Can they be easily explained by volcanic activity?? or is that another Theory masquerading as Truth…
Ancient Free Energy and Ethereal Antiquitech : All those beautifully elaborate tops of Ancient buildings.. did they serve a purpose that is now lost? why go through the effort and cost of such incredible construction? Think about all the variations of these buildings from the Americas to Asia and beyond. Even 1800s Worlds Fair photos show similar tech.

Which brings us to the Worlds Fairs of the Late 1800s and 1900s : These Fairs show incredibly elaborate and impressive Architectural Wonders, that are mostly now all replaced with parking lots and ugly contemporary buildings. Were these Fairs from a previous Civilization? What was their True purpose? A lot of mystery surrounds this, with a lot of new exciting theories.
The North Pole – Seen on Mercators map as having 4 land masses surrounding it. These are gone from todays maps. Ancient books reference this in a variety of ways. Our modern pilots steer clear, but claim otherwise. It, like Antarctica, is protected from trespassers by all powerful nations militaries… hmmmmm…
Antarctica… Theories range from a massive Ice Wall, to Admiral Byrd speaking of endless resources and warmer weather. The public is forbidden from visiting beyond a certain point, allowing for total secrecy. Ancient maps show Animals, and tons of land without snow. Something is being hidden.
Then there is TARTARIA or Grand Tartary … A vast Empire in much of Asia and Russia had an incredible influence on the past history of Civilization, but much has been forgotten and strategically erased… This raises questions immediately, and many people are finding some great insight and research. Always remember, that whoever wins a war, is able to re-write the history, and if you control a people’s history, you can easily control them. This Civilization is a beautiful concept to ponder with Creativity…

And don’t forget about GIANTS! : there are many Ancient accounts of races of Giants around the world from Patagonia to Siberia. Some photos exist of massive skulls, along with many newspaper clippings. Some doors on Ancient buildings can be over 50ft! Were giants building these structures? What happened to them? So many questions to answer, all are incredible topics to think about.
We also had Airships! Ancient maps appear to be drawn from great heights. The Hindenburg disaster which ended the Airship industry, is a little suspect. Filling stations were all over the world. Was it all Free and Clean?? How far could they travel and explore? How amazing would it be to cruise the world on an Airship?? Some interesting avenues to explore..
Take a Look at the Imagery Below and Ponder what happened...