Save the Sanctuaries


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Save the Sanctuaries

An Artwork designed to inspire people of All ages to help out at their local Animal Sanctuaries. The benefits of working with and helping Animals to live beautiful lives is rewarding beyond measure. So many loving members of the Animal kingdom need the help of Humans to heal and thrive, and often survive. The profits from this Artwork will go to one of the many Sanctuaries we work with.

Click here to check the Art Campaign for Save the Sanctuaries


0 to the Artist – Full Donation

25% to Save eARTh 501c3 

75% to one of the Various charities we join forces with.. or The Buyer’s Choice

Intention : This Artwork is designed to become an informative flyer which is currently being distributed to local Sanctuaries as fundraising and educational tools. We will be bringing these flyers to Sanctuaries so that they may raise funding and awareness by offering them to their patrons. If people take one and donate money to the Sanctuary, Great! If people of all ages take one and don’t donate money, but grow up loving and learning about Sanctuaries via the art, they may hopefully begin to donate their time and effort and have some incredible experiences with Animals and fellow Human friends with similar loves. 

Art Options

12x16in. Paper print, 12x16in. Giclee Canvas print, 12x16in. Plastic print, 16x24in. Paper print, 16x24in. Giclee Canvas print, 16x24in. Plastic print

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