If you have an idea how to Save eARTh…
if you have Art or a Creative project you would like to Share or Offer with Save eARTh…
if you know of or work with a Charity or Organization that Save eARTh should join forces with…
if you want to Donate, but aren’t sure how…
if you found something on Our site that needs correcting or fixing…
if you have some essential links or videos you feel we should be sharing and offering..
if you are a Teacher and would like to Donate Educational Materials..
if you are someone or a company that would like to Donate Art Supplies (papers, pens, paints, anything)…
if you would like to suggest a New Cause or Art Campaign idea that we should work towards saving…
if you would like to offer Save eARTh products in your store, shop, online or retail location…
if you just want to Reach out and say Hi 🙂
No Matter how overwhelming the Damage to eARTh is..
We Must NEVER Give up…
We Can, and We Will Save eARTh.