The Power and Positive Benefits of Creativity must be taught to Future Generations of eARTh. The Importance of discovering One’s Creativity should be promoted everywhere in Our Culture. We all benefit from a Renaissance.
Every living being is granted the divine Blessing of Art. Whether we choose to exercise the gift is up to Us. There are a lot of options for things to do with our time in this infinitely beautiful Universe, and since our time is limited, we all must choose wisely.
Within the public education system, more money is being spent on technological advancements, and less is being spent on the ARTS.
We wish to give back to this cause in as many ways as possible. As we build, the benefit of our ideas will really be seen.
The benefits of ART take effect in every aspect of life.
Mood enhancement
Relaxation/Zen .. the ZONE
Strengthens Focus and Attention
Allows for Free and Creative Expression
Boosts the Immune System
Encourages Learning
Encourages embracing the Sacred aspects of Our World
A Quest for Truth and Ultimate Purpose
And infinitely more.
When one learns the value in working tirelessly, creatively, and thoroughly to craft something purely unique in every possible way. It is an indescribably beautiful feeling for every atom of the Artist’s being.
When one learns to work for days, weeks, months and even years in order to accomplish an individually pure vision of ART, the result can be felt for the rest of their lives.
From that point onward, every project, assignment, test, challenge, moment of pressure, deadline, task, or job will be progressively easier to manage. We always improve when we work to better our innate abilities.
It is important for Everyone to discover their own unique Art. Observe the Universe around you, and experience what makes you fall the best. Every Art warrior path is a series of unique and sacred challenges that demand much from the Artist.
Everyone should be taught and encouraged to make Art a part of their lives in some way. It is always worth the time spent. Every moment of Creativity yields a physical result, and there are no boundaries, limits or rules within the eternal realm of Art.
As computers continue to do more for us all, it is essential that we retain the ability to do as much as our HANDS are capable of. Throughout history Humans have accomplished a tremendous amount, because of what they have done with their hands. We cannot forget this gift, and the timeless beauty of hand-writing, painting, sketching, doodling, experimenting, building, crafting, widdling, tinkering, fixing, and interacting with our own hand crafted creations.
While no drastic change will happen over night, in time the swiping of touch screens could replace many people’s need to hold a pencil or pen.
A balance is always best, and thankfully Humans are capable of both abilities.
It is important to Teach ART to Our children.
It is an ancient form of Creative expression bursting with wonder and imagination, and it is for Everyone on eARTh!
No Matter how overwhelming the Damage to eARTh is..
We Must NEVER Give up…
We Can, and We Will Save eARTh.